Talks and Conferences of Frank Rosemeier
Conference Contributions
- On Conway Numbers and Generalized Real Numbers.
Talk presented at the symposion
Reuniting the Antipodes -
Constructive and Nonstandard Views of the Continuum,
May 17 - 22, 1999, Venice, Italy.
- Formalizing Bishop Style Mathematics
in Martin-Löf's Type Theory.
Talk presented at the
Yearly Conference of the DMV
(German Association of Mathematicians)
in the Minisymposion
Constructivity in Analysis and Topology,
September 14 - 19, 2003, Rostock, Germany.
- Representing Martin-Löf's Type Theory
in Barendregt's lambda-cube.
Poster presented at the
Fourth European Congress of Mathematics (4ECM)
Stockholm, June 27 - July 3, 2004.
- Monads - from theory into practice
[Monaden - von der Theorie zur Praxis (German)]